Every Ides of March has a silver lining! Meet Laura Varon Brown, who founded her local chapter of Gilda’s Club ( https://www.gildasclubdetroit.org), named for the iconic original Saturday Night Live member Gilda Radner who the world lost to cancer in 1989.
Someone battling cancer is still so much more than just malignant cells and serious treatments. People need to remember that there is still love and hope and self-esteem and so much strength that is alive and well and all that needs to be nurtured more than ever.
Laura tells Erin about Gilda’s beautiful and touching take on her diagnosis and then floors us with her personal story.
In the reoccurring second half with Cyndi Schalter-Salsido (turningpointmacomb.org), Erin and Cyndi deliver another blockbuster roundtable. All the talk about how Daylight Saving Time is throwing people off in more ways than one. The controversy of ‘tele-medicine’, where the future is now and not always the best method. Social media and anti-vaccinators! They wrap it up with how Justin Bieber’s recent struggles could perhaps help others recognize and address those problems, which would be a real silver lining.